Anyway, I took a lot of time calculating everything out, from the amount of frames I wanted to use for each second in the film, to how many pics to get each scene done in. And, of course, when I went to render the first scene in AE it crapped out on me. Not really crapped out, but the visual quality is really, really bad. I mean bad. So after several tries at getting it to render a good video I gave up for a bit and played with it in Windows Movie Maker. That is what I used in my very first video I ever made. The reason I abandoned it in the first place is because when it moved from the Vista version to the 7 version they removed a lot of the features that allowed me to do what I had been doing with it. That is why I started trying to learn AE. Apparently features have been added back in since I last played with it. I still can't set frame rate or how many frames each pic is held for, but I can now set each pic to hold for a certain amount of time. Makes it difficult to calculate correctly, but I can have it hold for, say .10 of a second. Which seems to be as close as I can get to it looking how I intended it to look. It looks ok, but the WM version is a whole 10 seconds longer than the AE versi0n.
Here is AE version: