I have been trying to keep up this blog with more regularity. It has been a couple weeks now. Shame on me. :) I haven't done much animating. I need to put my setup back up so I can do more. I am currently trying to figure out how to get another magnet to glue to the foot of my Capaldi figure. The one on each foot is not enough, as the magnets are way too weak. When I try to put another one in the groove under the toe, it jeeps snapping back to the first one before the glue is totally dry. That does not help at all. I don't have the strength in my fingers to hold it the whole time. I need to just stop and think about it a bit, devise a plan to make it work. Sometimes real life takes precedence though. Sigh.
Today I went out on the bike path by Amazon Creek to get pictures of the ice. It is so pretty. So dangerous, so cold...but gorgeous! I put the good ones up on my Flickr. You can see the whole album HERE.
It is Decmber in Eugene, OR. Usually it is rainy from October through June, with maybe a week or so of cold in January or February. About 3 years ago we had a snow storm that dumped 6 inches on us in December. Last year it was warm enough to barely need coats. THis year, we have the ice. It is cold enough to freeze, but not cold enough to snow yet. The rain is dropping onto branches, etc and freezing, causing beautiful ice drops everywhere. This makes the road slippery and crazy, but it makes the trees sparkle. I couldn't resist. I went out and took a few pics. Not many. I am saving my battery for when it starts to snow. That is supposed to be around 6pm tonight. I have milk, coffee, tea, bread, peanut butter, frozen broccoli and chicken so I am good for a few days. I am excited to try to photograph it. Snow is what I do not miss about Spokane. I like having it for a day or two, to get any homesickness out of the way I may have had, but that is good enough.
Here are the pics I took earlier today. Hopefully. I am using the Weebly iPad app, so we shall see if any of this posts.
So I broke down and did another fridge magnet video. This one took me 5 hours to film. I also did the music for it. I am unhappy with the quality. I need to re-record the melody track for the music. One of my neighbors has decided now is a good time to work on his car, so for now this is what it is. Here ya go:
Word Salad from Barefoot Hallucination on Vimeo.
My goal is to try to get something up every week. Shall we see how long I can keep that up? P
Well, I still haven't gotten the Capaldi figurine done. However I want to force myself to do more videos, so I did a quick one today. I played around with fridge magnets. I didn't put a lot of thought or time into it. I just did it. I need a nap. I have a cold and need to go rest a bit. Instead of putting up all my sets and equipment, I just used my ipad. But here is what I did today. I amy do more later if I am up to it.
Just a quick post as it has been a while. I haven't been doing much, what with Thanksgiving, etc. I did get the magnets for anchoring the Capaldi figure. When I have had a chance to play around I will post about it here. I have Periscoped some of my walks around town. I have been watching some from the UK, and was inspired to share my corner of the world. I also think there are issues with the Weebly app on my iPad. Once again this post was empty, when it wasn't when I posted it. I have updated it, but it still did it. I guess if this doesn't show up I will have to fire up the laptop, which I didn't want to deal with today. This picture is a screenshot from the sunrise in Eastbourne, UK, as Periscoped by @leecuba. His Periscope broadcasts are beautiful, and he is very good at keeping the conversation nice and friendly.
AuthorEleanor...nerd, musician, stop motion animator, techy, crafty. But not in the crafty crafty way...I just like making things. You can find me on Twitch & Twitter @TeaWeaselStopMO & Tiktok. If you feel like contributing to help me upgrade equipment or pay for building supplies, feel free to click this button. Anything you contribute is appreciated muchly.
July 2022