Getting frustrated with the new one though. I am having a harder time than I thought I would finding voice actors. Quite frankly I am amazed that none of my acty/performy type friends didn't just jump at the chance to say shitty dialog into a microphone for coffee and carrot cake. And that there is absolutely no one on craigslist who wants to contact a stranger for same. I mean, I made the cake from scratch and everything. Maybe I need to move to the ad to a different category....
I am not sure where to go from here. I don't want to make a nuisance of myself. I could beg and plead and cajole and bully, but I don't want to do that. It is a little project that has nothing to do with anything important. I am not getting paid for it nor am I going to pitch it to anyone. It isn't even going to be entered into a video contest. It is a learning tool for me.
So while I am figuring that out, I am busy making a list of the props and set pieces I will need. Somehow I am going to have to figure out how to make myself a mini squirrel phone. And a mini turkey. A lot of the scenes are set in the living room, so the number of sets will be low. I have decided to try to make a new computer. The old one is off white. And huge and clunky. Looks very 90's. Though I suppose lots of people still use the clunky 3 foot deep monitors. Do I want to do another paper one, or do I want to try sculpting one? These are the hard decisions one must make as a director, producer AND animator. *hand to forehead* However will I muddle through? :)
Ok. enough silliness for one night. I need to try to sleep tonight. Insomnia is a bitch and makes the days hard to focus on. Tonight I am arming myself with lots of benedryl. Allergies are acting up again, so I might as well kill 2 birds with one stone. I leave you with a picture I have entitled "Sad Dalek Just Wants To Go To Bed, Damn It". Enjoy.