****NOTE: I am currently working at consolidating my YouTube videos into my Teaweaselstopmo Channel and phasing out the older 2. Until I get it done, some videos may not be available. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully I can delete this note soon.*******
Welcome to my video page! As I learn more and more about stop motion, my completed video will be added here. The oldest one is at the bottom, the newest one at the top. This is basically my online portfolio, though really it shows my progress from beginner to mediocre. :) Enjoy. You can find a complete list of my videos either on my VIMEO page, or my YOUTUBE channel.
This is my creation Word Salad. I created the music as well as the animnation for it.
Word Salad from Barefoot Hallucination on Vimeo.
This is the video I did for the Eugene Film Society 72 hour horror film challenge. Not great, but not too bad for 72 hours.
Gargouille from Barefoot Hallucination on Vimeo.
This is a test I did with Mr Wade. I am particularly proud of the contruction I did on the sofa and the coffee table.
Dinosaurus from Barefoot Hallucination on Vimeo.
This video I did for the 50th Doctor Who anniversary. It is not the complete edit, but I will leave it up. It will eventually have audio dialog, foley, and a complete story.
Escape from Dalek from Barefoot Hallucination on Vimeo.
This is a video I made for the 2012 Douglas Adams animation contest sponsored by The Literary Platform. I won first prize. Audio was recorded in 1993 by Douglas Adams for Voyager Books.
This one I call Roommate Trouble. It is set to the music One Tiny Thing, done by the 8in8 Project featuring Damien Kulosh.
This one is a little video I put together for a contest Eddie Izzard was doing. I didn't even come close to winning, but if you watch it you will see why. I tried to use After Effects, which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I also learned a lot for making this video, which made the next one that much better. Enjoy "Cake".
This is the very first one I did back in 2007. I was just learning how things worked, and learning about sequence. Again, it isn't great, but not bad for a first timer. Enjoy "The Great Escape".