Chainmaille was a disaster. I need someone to show me how to construct. It was moot anyway, as I had an anxiety attack and barely made it in to the con. I am so embarased, but glad it wasn't a long term thing.
I am still working on getting the chaim maille done. Maybe it will look fine. I don't know. I also need to work on the scale spoon maille.
Right now, though, my main focus is finding a job. I thought I had extended unemployment until I was done wtih school. Turns out that was not entirely true, and now I am kind of up a creek. I have been saving money, so right now I have been paying bills with my savings. However that is also about to run out. I have applied for abawd. I do not know if I will get it, or how long it will take to kick in. Hopefully soon. I have had a bunch of interviews, and I am waiting to hear back. I have shotgunned a ton of applications for any and all jobs, no matter what they pay or how much experience they ask for. In the mean time I am kind of stuck. If you are reading this and feel like helping out, feel free to click the Tips/Supply Fund button and give a little. It would be much appreciated. Also, if you have job leads in the Portland, OR area, feel free to leave them in the comments. I am kind of tired of being in this spot. It seems I am here every couple of years. I just want to find a job where I can stay for 5-10 years without worrying about where the next paycheck is going to come from. Apparently that is too much to ask from the universe. Sigh.