I get a lot of ideas. All the time. I love to create, but I love so many things that everything gets put in bits and pieces all over the place. This blog is meant to help me get my shit together. I plan to talk about what I am working on, what I plan to work on, how I plan to do it, and possibly the results. Some of my interests include stop motion animation, digital photography, spinning wool, crocheting, writing, music, and really learning anything that crosses my path that seems interesting.
Seriously, I don't expect anyone to read this. It is mostly for me. But if you are reading this then I guess you have somehow stumbled on it while surfing the intertubes. Welcome to my blog thingy. You are welcome to stay, read, and comment. Hopefully as I get more into this there will be more interesting things to read here.
If you feel the uncontrollable urge to share something from this blog, PLEASE just give me credit. All pictures, videos, mp3s and projects here are my own (unless otherwise stated). I generally use the Creative Commons attribution copyright, unless otherwise stated.
If you see something here that is yours and it is not suitably attributed, please send me a message and let me know. I will be more than happy to fix it.
Welcome to my geekery! :)