I used my iPad. As I can no longer use my iPad stand, I didn't expect it to look perfect. And it wasn't. It kept refocusing, the white balance refused to stay locked, and as I can't set the FPS to the same as what I shot it at, it is jerky.
Conclusion.....new camera, new software. I have a pirated version of Dragon Motion. The newest version is around $200. In order to get what I need for better looking video, I will need $700+ for a camera, $200+ for the software, another $200+ for additional lighting and supplies to make a better lighting rig. Cause clamping to chairs is not working. I need rigging to clamp the lights to. And maybe some LED lights would be nice too, cause working under those lights is very, very warm.
Getting good equipment has been the bane of my existance since I started learning this crap.
When I was at Sasquan I went to a panel on crowd funding. That would be awesome, but I need to at least have the minimal to be able to make good plea videos before I can expect anyone to give money. I feel like I am in a very frustrating catch-22. I need to win the lottery. I swear. A lot.