I guess at least this time it has only been a week. I am still working on getting the dragon eyes to work for my video for Anglicon. I ordered sealer for the backs of the cabashons, and while I was on the website I saw black self hardening clay that was fairly cheap. So I ordered that too. I will sculpt the dragon eyelids in several positions and use replacement animation for that part. Hopefully that will work. We shall see. It all depends on how well they come out. I am a crappy sculptor, and it is only getting worse as I lose strength in my hands. When it gets here I will play around with it and see what I can get.
I have also been making dragon eyes for friends. The practice has been good. I still don't have it down 100%, but starting to look better. I love making them, even if they turn out wonky. Kind of a Zen like activity. I play DnD online on Wednesday and Thursdays, and while everyone else is playing thier turns I have been painting on them. I have such a hard time just doing one thing at a time, and no patience with sitting and doing nothing. I never just watch TV....I watch TV while I am working on a project. If I don't have one, I find one to start. If I try my brain wanders and I end up not watching it at all. Same with the game. I will wander away while I wait, and forget to come back.
Well, when I have more I guess I will come back and report. I hate hurry up and wait. I am waiting for the sealer, waiting for the clay, waiting for everything.