As I didn't have a way to make them at the time I took the ideas and put them into comic strips. Of course, ideas had to be majorly truncated. I had them up on the web for a while, but my account got hijacked and I was banned for producing porn. I was using the same little soldier guys I have been using for the last few videos. I have no idea how that can be construed as porn, even with my overactive and gutter hopping imagination. My guess is as I let it slide for about a month someone hijacked my feed and was sending people to porn sites. Instead of emailing me and letting me know I was just banned. I wasn't even told I was banned. I found out when I tried to sign back in to post a new comic and got the You Are Banned For Being Flagged As Porn notice.
But again, I digress. My point is that I still have all those comics and all of those ideas written down. I am busy sifting through them to decide which ones I want to develop and which ones are just plain stupid and development is a non option. Some new ideas are sparking too. plan is to get several scripts written then to produce one of them a week. I can do that. They are simple ideas. I will have to work hard not to wander into Robot Chicken territory though. That was originally what I wanted to do when I started learning stop motion. Then I saw Robot Chicken and shook my fist and yelled "I hate you Seth Green!" though I really don't. He's awesome. He just stole my idea. Who knew he had a brain ray that can steal your ideas from 1,000 miles away. When he doesn't even know who you are. *that's amazing*
Ok, enough with the silliness. Back to working on scripts then this afternoon working at the part time contract job. It is sleeting out there. In Eugene, OR at the end of February, without really having ANY snow this year, it is sleeting. Eugene drivers do not know how to drive in this stuff. I will have to be extra careful walking to work.
OH WAIT!! I forgot to remind you to go to my video at the Douglas Adams Video Tribute Contest and vote for it. At this point I am #1. Yeay! But that may not last long. We have until April 15th. Every vote between now and then counts. Vote as many times as you want. Did I mention Stephen Fry is one of the judges?