It started out rough. Turns out they have a few people running different elements who have never even been to a comic convention, or any convention, much less volunteered at one. I got there, and there was no signage, no directions to where things are, no documentation, nothing. When I tried to ask questions, staff either ignored me or they passed me off. Registration had 3 lines, 2 that were for people who already had tickets or were paying with cards, one for people with cash. And never the twain shall meet. People were being kicked to the back of the line because they had cash. I was there right when registration opened, so I am hoping it was just them working thier shit out and not the way they did it the whole time. By noon the line was wound out the door and around the building. It was taking people an hour or so to get in.
But once you got in.....for a first year con, it wasn't bad. The artwork was goreous! If I had my way, I would have spent thousands on all the pretty shineys there. I know that is usual, but I really didn't expect much for a first year in a smallish town. The crowds are huge, but it was set up so that for the most part flow was good. I did have a few talks with newbies about where to pull out of traffic when they need to stop. I needed my cane this weekend, and people kept kicking it out from under me. I don't think it was on purpose, I think people were distracted by the shineys (who can blame them), but still they were lucky I had some stability and I didn't end up on the floor. When in public you watch out.
There were some awesome costumes there. I am always blown away by the creativity of cosplayers. I love to see how they interpreted thiercharacter, and how they chose to execute it. I love seeing the kids who made thier own costumes. If I were better at it, I would be doing it. As it is, I suck. I can't sew, and I lack the creativity needed to work around that. I met some awesome people. I am usually socially awkward and have issues. I didn't meet a single person at Spokon. But my joints were issuing, and there were not a lot of places to sit, so out of necessity I pushed my way into other people's tables. I met these two girls, looked about 14 or 13, who were cosplaying characters from When Marnie Was Here. I loved chatting to them about thier costumes and why they made the choices they did. It was thier first con. Mom seemed uninterested and bored. At least she cared enough to bring them. She may not be a nerd, but apparently she is nerd supportive. :) My mom would have never done that. |