So after that, I started getting worried that the white from the caulking would show through. After a bit of deliberation, I decided to cover over it with black. Only, I don't have any black paint, just black nail polish. So I used that. It stuck just fine. And I had no issues gluing the leaves to it. However, there are a few small holes between the leaves that would normally be unnoticeable, but now are blaringly obvious because of the shine. In future, I would not use nail polish for that.
So while I was waiting for those to arrive, I went back to the leaf scales and boobs. I spent 5 hours glueing and setting. I tested with tacky glue and hot glue, and hot glue won out as far as durability.
So the next thing I got going are bracers. I got them patterned and cut out, but I need to make more leaves to glue to them. I ended up cutting them in half cause my fat forarms don't like them that long. I accidentally started gluing the leaves to the wrong piece, so now I don't have enough left over to cover both bracers. I meant for them to match the boobs exactly, but that isn't going to happen now. they will be close, but not the same. Oh well.
Either way, I no longer have enough leaves to glue on them, so I have to make more. I got some 2mm black foam in yesterday. I cut about 200 out. I have been waiting for more Plasti-dip, which is now delayed until Tuesday. I need it before then so I can get to gluing, so today I am heading out to see if I can round some up in meat space. I have also decided to make greaves as well. So I need to work on the fabric top and the greaves. More update when I have more to update.