Fortunately it didn't eat everything, and coincidentally the point it stopped was actually a good place, as it was during a scene change. In the last scene they fight over the powerbook then head to the beach. The images lost are just from the beach scene. So I compiled the pictures for the powerbook scene and rendered the video. Now I just have to reshoot the beach scene.
Fortifying myself with eggs and coffee and web comics then heading to work. Oh - I also did some playing with the audio the other day. I cut it up into pieces - or spidgetts as I decided to call them. When I was deciding on what to do I wrote down each sentence or group of sentences I wanted to brainstorm. Each spidgett follows that pattern. I played with adding them into the video in Windows Movie Maker. It doesn't work if I already have the scene rendered to video, but when I went back to compiling the pictures I could decide where each spidgett starts. Can't add sound effects or a music track though. It makes it too big and it doesn't want to render it into video. As it doesn't have multi track capability I would have to render the movie, add the next layer of sound, render the movie, add the next layer of sound. So I will still have to figure that one out. But at least I can add Douglas Adams voice in now.
*SIGH* How low budget am I? I can't wait till I find a real paying job so I can get a camera that doesn't decide to autofocus even when autofocus is turned off, a computer with more umph and storage space, software that will work better for this, a camera that will actually allow me to capture to that software, and actual puppets instead of toys. And real lighting instead of a pair of desk lamps.