I invested a little bit of money in an ebook about stop mo. Included in that download were several bonus books. I am kind of excited about this. I thought I understood movement in animation, but there are many things i have yet to learn. And these books are helping me. I think if I had them when I first started they would have all seemed Greek to me. But putting my experiences together with the tidbits in the books are making multiple light bulbs go off.
I have glued magnets to the feet of 2 of the soldier guys. I also glued magnets to the furniture pieces. It is amazing how much easier it is to keep from accidentally bumping and moving something when it is tied down with magnets. My original idea was to get a big magnet to put under the table and use that as an achor. That did not work so well. So in search of an alternative I was looking through my craft junk and found an old cookie tin. It is about 10 x 12. So I handitaced a piece of cardstock with a stone pattern printed on it to the lid. Works great! I have a big piece of cardboard I can tack a backdrop to (though admittedly I have not gotten to that yet). I am getting excited about this. I did a tiny test run this morning. I have to work now, but after I am done I plan on continuing the fun. :)