Which actually is fine. I have a ton of other things going on. I am working on learning songs for Orycon concert with Those Pesky Kids. I am going to do a solo house concert in October. It has been fun. I invested in a cheap (really, really cheap) keytar. Silly me, I thought it would be straight forward and I would just have to learn where to find the sounds i wanted. Wrong. The one I bought is an Alesis Vortex. I named her Mrs. Nesbitt, cause I thought it was funny at the time. Mrs. Nesbitt is actually just a midi controller, not a full, synthesizer. Here is a pic of her:
I also have been experimenting with materials again. A coworker of mine uses a type of epoxy putty to build out his miniatures. It doesn't stink, it takes longer to harden so you can actually sculpt it, and it dries so hard little tiny pieces don't break off. So I bought some at Funagain Games here in Eugene to experiment with. Wednesday nights a friend does a crafting night at her house, so I plan to take it with me and we will see how it works making dragon eggs.
So what I should be doing is mocking up a website for a guy so I can show him my basic design changes later today. I suppose I should get back to it if it is going to get done in time. Procrastination, thy name is Eleanor. :P