Ah well. I started a new job, which has taken a lot of my time, and dealing with doggo. A couple of weeks ago he was attacked by another neighborhood dog. :/ I don't have a yard so I have to walk him in order to get him exercise and provide him the room to poop. The neighborhood dog was on a leash, but no one was holding it. Froggy had his butt planted on the sidewalk, cause I told him no and he HATES it when I tell him no. The other dog came up to him, sniffed his nose, then chomped his face and tried dragging him away. It only ended when I kicked the other doggo in the chest which made him let go and run away. I was glad I had on my steel toed construction boots. Froggy was not even really fighting back, just trying to get out of the bite. He had punctures in his face, and they scratched his remaining eye. I was sooo piassed off. There is a reason you keep your dog on a leash and in control, even if they are "a good dog" who will listen. Cause they don't always, and when something like this happens is not the time to find out when they will decide to ignore you. Fortunately he is ok, though he has scars on his snout now. And I am nervous to take him anywhere.
I will leave you with one of my favorite pics I have taken lately. Last week when I got to work, there was a litte tree frog hanging out top of the card reader. Such a cutie!
Hope your quarentine is going better than you imagined.