The last few weeks have not been fun for me. They have been filled with humiliation and pain and stitches and giant bruises that only hurt worse every day. And router hacking. And phone hacking. And Twitter hacking. (Someone hacking into my things, not me hacking into someone else's.)
I have tried to concentrate on stuff I want to do, like writing a kick-ass script for my next stop mo, finishing my other one and submitting it for the Douglas Adams contest, reading, eating chocolate chip cookie dough while watching Reservoir Dogs and yelling at the screen. It still was getting to me, though. Not having a car nor living close to a bus stop, I have to walk everywhere. With my leg and face in this condition it has taken all I have to walk to work and back. Which has also led a bit of the argh-I'm-trapped-and-isolated feeling.
That is where The Bloggess comes in. (Is that supposed to be capitalized? Like a title or something?) Her silly tweets have given me the best picker-upper there is: pictures of celebrities and random strangers with twine and spatulas. Wil Wheaton getting attacked by his spatula. Jery Ryan deflty controlling hers. Penn Jillette looking askance at some twine. Simon Pegg's hand holding handles from a gift bag (though we really only have his tweet for it. We don't see his face. But I will choose to believe him because I loved Paul and Hot Fuzz and all the other stuff he does and would like him to continue to share his awesomeness.) Not only are these people I already enjoy watching at work, but they are also my kind of people away from the cameras. People with a great sense of humor who are not afraid to use it. I have not been this furiously happy since I saw the picture of Wil Wheaton collating paper. Which was also brought to us by Jenny.
So, if ever you stumble upon this blog while looking for something else, thank you Bloggess. Thank you for reminding me that though things aren't great now, they will be again. Thank you for helping me see the absurdity of my situation and helping me laugh at it. And thank you for reminding me that a little silliness helps to drag one out of the poor-me rut and back into creative castle. Or whatever. :)