Here is one of the few pictures I did get of my new set:
Well, that was a shambles. I was going to spend the afternoon shooting, but it turns out all my batteries are too low. I tried buying dollar store batteries. Even the new ones won't get more than one or two pictures before they die. SIGH. I guess you get what you pay for. When I get a job I need to buy a power adapter for my camera so I don't go through so many batteries. I spent hours setting it up, getting some audio together, building a picture frame, etc. It is too late to go get batteries tonight, so I guess I wait till tomorrow to do shooting. Here is one of the few pictures I did get of my new set: Suppose now I have time to work on it some more. This scene needs a plant or something. And I can make actual coffee cups instead of a beer stein and a goblet.
So I was THIS CLOSE to finishing my video. Last scenes done. Douglas Adams audio added in. All I had left to do was record the background music and add it in. That was the plan when I got home from work.
Apparently, the universe had different plans for me. I just got back from spending 4 hours in Urgent Care. I came out of there with 9 stitches in my upper lip, inside and out. Apparently, when your mother cautions you about running on linoleum in stocking feet, it is really a thing. I slipped, tripped over a chair and broke my fall with another chair.....and my face. Fortunately I didn't do too much damage. Just mangled it up a bit and broke bits of tooth. Not important parts, though. And I have a pretty purple welt on my leg too. Right now I am on vicoprofen, which I have discovered the last time I had a tooth extracted makes me really hyper for 30 minutes then I crash hard for 3 hours or more. My plan is to finish the video tomorrow, if I can. Depends on how mangled I feel tomorrow. I hate being so close and yet so far. The music will be Invention N0 1 Part 1 by JS Bach, played on my mandolin. when I do manage to get it done, I'll post the results and a link to the voting page. Now that the crash part of the pain meds are kicking in, I'd better end this before I fall asleep. Grr arghh. I have to throw the whole next bit out. It did not work at all. Interesting idea, but no dice. So now I get to start over with that part. Yeay me. I didn't fail.....I merely found another way not to do it. :P I was going to try to reshoot it today, but I am too tired. I still have to work crap job until Friday, which means early mornings. Tomorrow I don't have to work the contract job so I will have all afternoon to work on it. I suppose instead of stewing over my major fail (which I may share later for a laugh, when I feel like I can laugh at it), I am going to watch British TV and go to bed. Eat a little bit of leftover birthday cake. I wish I wasn't allergic to alcohol. This would totally be a beer night. Or pina colada night. Sigh.
I also want to find some swinging background music for the video. As of yet I haven't found anything that fits the audio. I will probably find something in the public domain and record it on my mandolin to avoid copyright issues. Thanks to my mother I have a huge repertoire of classical music that I can play. Or I may go for something Celtic-y or Renaissance-y. Exactly how does one determine if a piece of music fits or not? What are the criteria? Hmmm..... |
AuthorEleanor...nerd, musician, stop motion animator, techy, crafty. But not in the crafty crafty way...I just like making things. You can find me on Twitch & Twitter @TeaWeaselStopMO & Tiktok. If you feel like contributing to help me upgrade equipment or pay for building supplies, feel free to click this button. Anything you contribute is appreciated muchly.
July 2022